Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Front Porch Tea

Give-A-Way Day
and Tablescape
and the winner is....
The Bassham Family.
I want to personally thank each one of you for visiting,
commenting and following me on my blogging journey.
This has truly turned into a grand adventure.
I have "met" so many wonderful people
and am blessed to have made some beautiful friends!
How I wish I could give away something
to each and everyone of you!
And now onto Tablescape Thursday...
A special thank you to Susan our stupendous host
Time for a Front Porch Tea!
Mom and I were able to "play tablescape"
yesterday on her magnificent front porch!
Mom just brought this fabulous plant home
from her recent trip to Lancaster County, PA.
I just love the way the stems are alive and budding.

The yellow in Mom's Japanese teapot
coordinates nicely with the yellow in the planter!
A small Bodum glass cup to hold...
...the perfect amount of tea!
My most favorite cookie ever... Chocolate Chip!
White fluffy pillows for comfort... and...
...a book or two to read!
A large white candle lantern adds
an intimate touch!
Please join me for tea!
Thank you for visiting today!

22 comments: said...

What a great way to enjoy your tea, with your mom. Jude

Sue said...

I'm so jealous of your winner...she's very lucky!

This is a beautiful tea...the porch looks wonderful, I love pansies and it is all so fresh and crisp. What a fabulous plant! I love it that you and your mom are playing with dishes together:)

Lynn said...

Very nice! I'm north of Philly, the weather's been great the last few days!

Allison Shops said...

Chocolate chips are my favorite too. I'm jealous you went to Lancaster recently. I've only been once - in 1981. Need to revisit! Dropping by from BNOTP. Everything is lovely.


Wendy said...

Looks like a perfect spot for afternoon tea for you and your mom! I hope your mom enjoyed Lancaster County!! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

Marigene said...

I love the little bluebird overlooking the tea party...I think he is really waiting to make off with the cookies!

Katie said...

Congrats Dee Dee on your 100th post and thanks for sharing such delights with us! And congratulations to your lucky winner of your great prize!!

Martha said...

Nothing like tea on the front porch -- congratulations on your 100th post!

Teresa's New Life said...

What a nice respite. Who would want to l?eave


Hello, What a beautiful setting for tea...the porch looks so nice. My post this evening is a garden centerpiece that I designed with birds and fresh pansies just for myself for Mother's Day. How sweet to have the pleasure of playing dishes with your mom. Stop by for a visit if you have a chance.

Charo said...

Chocolate chips delicious!!!

Lisa B. said...

Wish I was there to sip some tea with you. Everything looks so inviting and comfy.

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVELY tea porch!!!

Chubby Chieque said...

Lucky you have a wonderful days overthere.

Your teas is so appealling. I love to come over & sit & sip with yah.

HAppy TT Day.

Christine said...

Was it a Mother's Day tea?
Or just one of your special get togethers?
You and your mom have a great relationship. That is always great to see.

corners of my life said...

Such a charming porch. If I requested coffee rather than tea could I still join you?

dee dee said...

Corners of my life....
Coffee, tea, water or lemonade... you are always welcomed!
dee dee

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Hello Deedee~(my sis's nickname is Deedee) I've just strolled in from Wendy's for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. You've got so many wonderful ideas. Your blog is so beautifully inviting.
We share similar taste for so many of the same creative design elements.

As spring slowly approached it has me looking forward to more hours spent outdoors with a cup of tea as well and you can never go wrong with chocolate chip cookies.

I will come by your charming blog again.
Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.

Sweet wishes,

Unknown said...

What a lovely tea and such a great porch. I LOVE pansies. Happy Mother's Day!


Michelle said...

Hey, I want to come over for tea. Send the jet! lol, beautiful pansies!

Miss Merry said...

What a pretty porch! And I am in love with your Japanese tea pot. Your tea looks delicious. Thanks for sharing your spot of Spring!

Beth said...

What a lovely setting for tea, and your photography is very well done!